Acta Ingeniería Civil

Some Studies on Physical and Mechanical Behaviour of Dredged Soil from Flood Spill Channel of Jhelum River, Srinagar

B. A. Mir, F. Amin, B. Majid


This study deals with an overview of the dredged material characterisation generated by dredging the flood spill channel
of Jhelum River, Srinagar. But concern over environmental effects of dredging, disposal and the increasing unavailability of
suitable disposal sites, has put pressure for characterisation of this material. Therefore, an attempt has been made to study
some physical and mechanical properties of dredged soil for its utilization in bulk in various geotechnical applications. In
this study, samples of dredged soil from different locations of flood channel were collected for conduct of various field and
laboratory tests for determination of physical, index and mechanical properties as per relevant standard procedures. On the
basis of geotechnical investigations, it has been observed that in-situ dredged soil is composed of silt, sand, clay and organic
matter, which is not suitable as a construction material in its in-situ condition. However, treated dredged soil can be utilised as
a resource for various engineering applications and a stabiliser for improving behaviour of fine grained soils.


solid waste, environmental pollution, waste characterisation, soil stabilisation, sustainable environment

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