Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology

Influences of Vermicompost and Organic Mulching on Growth, Yield and Profitability of Carrot (Daucus Carota L.)

Md. Mahadi Hasan, Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Md. Arfan Ali, Md. Mahamud Kali Rubel, Muzammil Shah, Yahya Alzahrani


Vermicompost and organic mulching is an environment friendly component used as a bio fertilizer in agricultural sector. The current study was conducted to determine the effects of vermicompost and organic mulching on growth yield and profitability of carrot (Daucuscarota L.). Vermicompost was processed from waste and it was applied to field plots in the three different concentrations viz., 2t/ha (V1), 4 t/ha (V2) and 6 t/ha (V3) with control (V0), and four levels of mulching viz., control (M0), rice straw (M1), water hyacinth (M2), and sawdust (M3), respectively. Plant height, number of leaves, leaves fresh weight, root length, leaves dry matter content, root fresh weight, root dry matter content and root diameter, significantly differed among the vermicompost doses and mulching at different levels. Among the different level of vermicomposts, the highest marketable yield and gross yield (27.68 t/ha) of the root (26.35 t/ha) were recorded from V2 while the lowest (18.71 t/ha) and (20.18 t/ha) from control (V0). The highest marketable yield (27.89 t/ha) and the gross yield (29.48 t/ha) of root observed from M2 while the lowest (15.81 t/ha) and (17.12 t/ha) from control (M0) under mulching treatment. Similarly, the highest marketable yield (33.24 t/ha) and gross yield (34.45 t/ha) of root were marked from V2M2 and the lowest (17.46 t/ha) and (18.65 t/ha), respectively from V0M0 under combined treatment. The highest (3.64) benefit-cost ratio was recorded from V2M2 while the lowest (1.68) from V3M0 and it was indicated that vermicompost @ 4 t/ha with water hyacinth mulching was found suitable for carrot cultivation.


Daucuscarota; Growth; Yield; Vermicompost; Organic mulching

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